Are Cats allowed on the Prayer Mat?


As-Salam-u-Alaikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh ("Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and his Blessings")!

"Surely Allah will admit a woman into paradise because she gave a thirsty dog to drink by taking water from a well with his shoe."


Islam, a religion built on principles of compassion and respect for all living beings, places significant importance on the welfare of animals. In this blog post, we will delve into the role animals play in Islam, exploring their rights, the ethical treatment they deserve, and the responsibilities Muslims have towards them. We will also look especially at how cats are regarded in Islam.

The Rights of Animals in Islam

Animals, both domestic and wild, have inherent rights in Islam. Islam recognizes that all animals are part of Allah’s (subhanahu wa ta'ala) creation and should be treated with care and respect. According to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), animals deserve to be treated well, provided with food and water, and protected from harm. Inflicting unnecessary harm upon animals is strictly forbidden. Muslims cannot hunt for sport, abuse or neglect an animal, overwork animals, encourage animal fighting, etc.

Islamic practices go beyond recognizing the rights of animals; they actively promote their welfare. When slaughtering animals for food, Islam has specific guidelines to ensure their well-being and minimize suffering. There are strict rules to make the food “halal,” or permitted. For example, Muslims must ensure the knife is as sharp as possible and that no other animals witness the killing. Throughout the process, Muslims must ensure that they practice mercy towards the animal. This humane approach reflects Islam's emphasis on compassion and respect. Muslims are encouraged to consume only halal meat.

Cats in Islam

Cats hold a special place in Islam and are highly regarded for their companionship and cleanliness. According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had a deep affection for cats. Prophet Muhammad (pease be upon him) had a favorite cat named Muezza. One day, when the Adhan, or call to prayers, played, Muezza was asleep on the Prophet’s robes. Rather than disrupt Muezza’s slumber, the Prophet cut off part of his robes to leave her to sleep in peace. If anyone has ever had a cat asleep on their lap, they probably know the feeling of not wanting to awaken that sleeping angel.

Speaking of angels, some believe that having a cat allows angels to enter the home! Not to speak ill of your favorite pooch, but dogs have the opposite effect. According to a Hadith, the Prophet said that angels do not enter homes where dogs are present.

Additionally, Cats are considered clean animals in Islam. According to tradition, Muslims are allowed to perform wudu, or ritual cleaning, with water cats have drank out of, or eat off a plate that a cat has eaten off of. Because of their cleanliness, cat
s are allowed in sacred spaces, like a mosque or on the prayer mat. A cat sitting or rolling on your prayer mat mid-Salah, or prayer, does not interrupt your prayer.

However, it is important to note that while cats are appreciated in Islam, they are not considered sacred. Muslims do not worship cats. To do so would actually be a great sin.


Animals hold a cherished place in Islam, with their well-being and rights highly valued. We as Muslims must treat animals with kindness, compassion, and respect, recognizing their fundamental rights to be treated well and protected from harm. Cats specifically hold a special place in Islam. By adhering to these teachings, Muslims can contribute to a more compassionate world, where the rights of all living beings, including animals, are acknowledged and protected.


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